How to Feed a Dragon
In a nutshell
The game "How to Feed a Dragon" was developed for the launch of the new HandyStep Touch pipette of Brand, a manufacturer of laboratory equipment. The player must feed newly hatched dragons with the pipette until they are big enough to fly away. So the player gets to know the new features in a playful way. But he has to remain attentive and select content and quantity correctly because each dragon has different needs and grows at a different speed.
In the browser game "How to Feed a Dragon" the player discovers a dragon’s nest with four eggs. One of these eggs is hatching a small, hungry dragon, which must be fed with the help of a special pipette. Soon the player is very busy, as more, cute dragons hatch from their eggs and want to be raised.
They all grow at a different speed and develop different needs according to what they want to eat. Therefore, the player has to choose the right type and quantity to meet their needs. If the choice is wrong, the dragon gets very sad. However, after successfully raising them all, the dragons eventually fly off to freedom.
In the beginning, the players are supported by a tutorial before they get to know the different functions of the pipette at different levels.
With "How to Feed a Dragon" customers of the laboratory equipment manufacturer Brand can get to know the new HandyStep Touch pipette in a playful way and familiarize themselves with the extended functions compared to the pre-model. This opens up opportunities for customer retention. The big appeal is to save the cute, little dragons from starvation and take good care until they become big and strong.
Game facts
- Genre:
Marketing game
- Platform:
- Released:
- Client:
Brand GmbH & Co. KG